Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I made it!

Well, it was a long flight but we're finally here. Beautiful China. Where the temperature is perfect and the sky is a near-permanent shade of gray reminiscent of the Mars scenes from Total Recall. Either way, I'm loving it here so far (so far meaning I've had one meal, slept for 8 hours, and haven't started classes yet). Since I was the only one who'd broken up the 100 Yuan bills we got at the money exchange, I ended up covering 4 people's tab last night at dinner, and I swear it still only cost 7 dollars.
Our hotel is actually surprisingly nice. It has beds and even a TV. The shower was a little odd this morning, but if it's a Chinese custom to stand shivering and crying while a trickle of water pours out of the wall as you attempt to wash shampoo out of your eyes, then call me Ping Pong.
Don't know what else to say without boring you with my plans for the day. I'm going to go have breakfast... Oh, figuring out what time it is here is really simple for anyone living in Eastern Standard, you just switch AM for PM and vice versa. As soon as I figure out how exactly (and actually take some worth posting) I'll try go get some photos up here.
Zai jian!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I'm just going to sit here and cry for a while, ok?

Well, my flight leaves in exactly 24 hours, and I'm sitting here half-dressed with one suitcase filled with what can't possibly be enough clothes to get me through 10 weeks in China. I don't want to be one of those people who writes annoyingly long posts in a stupid travel blog, so I'm going to try to keep this thing short and hopefully get pictures up here. I don't really have much else to say right now, so I guess my next post will be from Beijing.

Jesus Christ, I am so not ready for this.